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Pool Options & Add Ins

Options You may have purchased some options with your pool. This could be a salt system, Nature II, heater, chlorinator, etc. These options always plumb in after the filter tank just before you get back to the return(s). This will give you a brief...
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Relative pH of Pool Chemicals

SanitizersUnstabilized Granular Chlorine 11.5 Unstabilized Liquid Chlorine 12.5 (min) Stabilized Granular Chlorine 6.0 Stabilized Chlorine Tablets 3.0 Bromine Tablets 4.5 Water Balancing ProductsAlkajuster 8.5 Hycal 7.4 pH Up 11.3 pH Down 1.4 Stabilizer 4.5 Specialty Products Algaecide 40% or 60% (6.5) 5% or 10%...
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