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Troubleshooting Algae


 Forms of Algae

Green: Easiest to treat if caught early.


Brush walls down. A/G- 500ml 1st day and 200ml 2nd day of 60% algaecide. Make sure level of chlorine is at a 5 on test strip. Make sure pump is running 24/7 until algae growth gone. Make sure to vacuum and backwash everyday for 3 days. It usually takes around a week to get clear and free from algae. Cloudiness is the final stage of clearing it, which can be fixed with 300ml-400ml of clarifier. Recommend preventing the algae growth with a weekly preventative of algaecide.


Mustard: More adapted to conditions and cannot be killed by oxidation.


Not very common and can be killed similar to green algae. Although sanitizer won’t play any immediate role, keep it at a level 5 on the test strip. Add 1 Bottle of Aqua Phos- Out and 600ml of 60% algaecide. When both bottles are used, results will be much stronger as one is eliminating the food source the other is killing the algae. Make sure pump is running 24/7 until algae growth gone. Make sure to vacuum and backwash everyday for 3 days. It usually takes around a week to get clear and free from algae. Cloudiness is the final stage of clearing it, which can be fixed with 300ml-400ml of clarifier. Prevent the algae growth with a weekly preventative of algaecide.


Black: Most difficult to treat due to a sticky layer protection. Normally associated with biofilm or mould if black layer is crusty.


Brush walls and floor to break the bonds. Add bottle of Phos-Out & 1 bottle of Algaecide 60%. Make sure chlorine level is at a 6 on the test strip. Remember that the more bacteria the faster the chlorine will dissipate, so make sure to check it everyday until pool is clear. Make sure pump is running 24/7 until pool is clear Make sure brushing, vacuuming, and backwashing is done everyday until black is gone.


Pink/White/ Grey- Looks like tissue paper and is commonly in hot tubs. Has high rate of production.


Make sure pump is circulating. Take a Leaf Net and Place a cotton t-shirt over it and secure with a rubber band. Skim all floating debris out. Next take a micro fibre cloth and wipe all sides. Keep a hose by to spray out cloth with every wipe. Repeat these processes until no more floating matter is present. Add Sanitizer to reach a level of 9 on the test strip. Clean Filters out with high-pressure wand everyday until floating matter is gone. Once there is no floating debris, use Filter Cleaner and soak over night to kill remaining bacteria. Pink or White algae is extremely hard to get rid of and you may opt to use a line cleaner such as Whirlpool Rinse or Spa Marvel Cleanser for 24 hours and then drain the tub and replace with fresh water. Ensure that if this is the option, filters must be out of the tub sitting in a filter cleaning solution to kill any bacteria you may have. If you leave filters in with line cleaner, it will destroy their filters.